Happy New Year!

Happy 2023 to you!

When we first dared to dream about forming a nonprofit organization, around this time last year, we kept talking about "bringing the community together to do something great."

Well, you have proven that dreams do come true. With your help, we have funded a fifth house which will launch in February!! We will also be able to fund an existing house for another year due to a very generous, anonymous, matching donation. Cue the applause! Together we are doing very, very, great things.

(Below) Flashback to January 2022: Dreaming big dreams with Andreea Niculescu of One and Three. ...Maple Leaf Foundation came into existence on post-its and notepads and has been nurtured by community support. #WeTurnEnduringIntoEndurance

PS: Our year-end pledge drive is over, but... every finish line is really just another starting line in disguise, right? There is still so much work to be done. Let's do this together! DONATE.



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What a year!